Saturday, 11 May 2013


It still hadn't hit me that I was actually going but I thought it would probably be a good idea to start and think about what I want to take with me. As I'm planning on saving as much money as I can in order to travel after I have completed the program I don't want to pack really light and just expect to buy a lot of the things I need whilst I'm over there and although I really really wish I could fit everything in one case I don't think that's going to fly considering I've already filled about half my case just with gifts for my family! I admit I may have gone slightly over board...

I have already started to separate clothes up into 'Definitely', 'Maybe' and 'Definitely not' piles and it's a system that's been working well as I have my brother's old room to use as a packing area so I have taken pretty much all my clothes out of my room so I can see what I have (I was surprised how many items I had forgotten about). The 'Definitely' pile includes clothes that I really wear on a day to day basis, favorite pieces and bits that I couldn't live without. The 'Maybe' pile is for clothes that I could buy whilst I am there and would take up too much room to take (big jumpers etc.), clothes that I only wear every now and then, that I'm not sure fit really well or have holes in (I'm looking at a MASSIVE mound of tights to check through!) and do I really need to take 12 pairs of pyjamas?!... Probably not, thinking about it.

I still have plenty to think about like make-up and shampoo etc, but having kept in constant contact with my future Host Family I know that after I arrive on the Thursday my family is free the whole weekend to take me to the supermarket, show me the area and take me out driving. I cannot say how important frequent communication helps! I know that I only have to bring about a weeks supply of shower products which will save me a decent amount of weight.

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